For building a process flow for an organically procured grain is important throughout its journey of becoming the finished product as it is essential to take care of it from any kind of contamination at any stage. For that we maintain cleanliness of machinery as well as plant along with pest controls at regular intervals etc.

Grain Selection
We source the finest wheat from chosen suppliers from within India and overseas.

Chemical Analysis
Our quality and sourcing team evaluate the grain to create the perfect product blend.

The wheat is immediately placed in silos and stored naturally using only right temperature technology to avoid overheating and infestations in the grain.

Wheat Cleaning
The grains are cleaned using sieves and air aspirations and we use technologies to remove impurities and ensure.

Our milling combines state-of-the-art technology and a skillful team, who prioritize quality over yield.

Products are packed into the food grade superior packaging quality after passing through touch-free metal detection systems.

